Privacy Policy

It is the policy of Stud Welding Company, Inc to keep your email address and any other information we may receive about you completely private.  We do not sell or share our customer information with anyone.  We value your privacy as much as you.  Please contact us if you need more information at in**@st***********.com.

Information We Collect:

In an effort to better serve you and make our pages better cater to your needs, we collect information about which pages have been viewed, which pages were least viewed, and which pages the search engines may have brought you to.  We also keep all customer email addresses on file for sales promotions and special opportunities, but we follow the Can Spam act and allow for Opt-Out at any time.

We understand your need for privacy and we only use this data to better update and make additions to our pages.  Your information will never be used to sell to other companies or for outside marketing purposes.